David Marshall

Ethel with baby David

David Marshall was born on October 26, 1929 in New Britain, Connecticut to Samuel Marshall and (Anna) Ethel (Rosen) Marshall.

1930 Census – 10 Cedar St., New Britain, CT

Two days after his birth the stock market crashed to usher in the great depression. His father, Sam, who had been successful in the life insurance business was no longer able to make a living.

Ethel and David talking about the depression

On October 25, 1933 Sam and Ethel had their second child, Ralph Louis.

1940 Census, New Britain, CT
10 Cedar Street

Sam, Ethel, David and Ralph moved to Willimantic in 1946.

Barbara Brettschneider Marshall

Barbara Brettschneider was born on September 8, 1931 in Brooklyn, NY to Lena Weinstein Brettschneider (age 35) and Louis Brettschneider (age 41). At the time of her birth, she had two brothers, Norman age 13 and Jerome age 7. Louis was a successful furrier, until his like most others, he was devastated by the great depression. The family moved to Willimantic, CT when Barbara was 5. Norman remained in New York City to attend NYU.

1940 Census 98 Walnut Street, WIllimantic

Louis Brettschneider had several different jobs after moving to Willimantic, eventually creating a success furrier business there.

Barbara Talking about her father

Barbara’s mother, Lena Brettschneider, was close friends with Dorothy Zucker whose daughter married David’s first cousin, Nathan Rosen, even before David and Barbara met.

Barbara and David meet

Barbara’s College Yearbook 1952
Barbara Talking about how she and David met appearing
on the reality TV show “Bride and Groom”
David Talking about how they started dating

David went on to attend Yale University while Barbara attended Eastern Connecticut Teachers College in Willimantic. David then went to Medical School at Columbia School for Physicians and Surgeons and Barbara worked as a teacher.

Barbara Talking About David’s Career

Barbara and David were married on the national TV show “Bride and Groom” on June 16, 1952.

David Talking about how they became engaged
Introductions of Family Members
Breaking of the Glass
Wedding Gifts on TV

After graduating medical school, Barbara and David moved to Cooperstown, NY. David spent the year as an intern at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital.

The Marshall Kids

Barbara pregnant with Robin holding Inky

Their first child, Robin Ellen was born on November 15, 1955 in Cooperstown while David was an intern.

David enlisted in the Air Force and they moved to Charleston, SC. Wendy Jane was born on November 30, 1956 in Charleston

They moved to Englewood, New Jersey. David was a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. Laurence Robert was born on September 2, 1958. The family moved to Dumont, New Jersey in 1959 and Beth Julie was born on December 6, 1962.

Dr. David Marshall’s career

Dr. David Marshall joined Dr. Tomlinson in practice in Troy, NY in 1963. Dr. Roland Cheung joined him in practice several years later. After Dr. Tomlinson retired, they were joined by Dr. Angela Diamond. He practiced Obstetrics and Gynecology at Samaritan Hospital until his retirement in 2000. Throughout his career he strived to provide the most up to date and highest quality care to his patients. He was truly a role model of life long learning. For many of those later years, Barbara was a loving member of the team teaching Lamaze classes in their home.

David and Barbara’s first grandchild, Daniel Lindenberg worked for Ayco, a financial company based in Albany, NY with offices throughout the US. In 2007 he transferred from Albany to the California office. In 2015, Jim came from the NY City office to run the California office. Dan soon discovered from Jim that he was actually born in Troy, NY and delivered by Dr. David Marshall!

Grandchildren play about David wanting to be OBGyn
Mayor Patterson Proclamation in honor
of David Marshall’s Retirement 2000
Song for Dr. Marshall retirement dinner

Grandchildren play about Troy

Life in Troy

When the Marshall family first moved to Troy in 1963 they rented a house for the year from the Jacobson family on Lisa Lane. Dr. Jacobson was a math professor at RPI on a sabbatical at University of Miami.

Deborah Jacobson and Robin Marshall became friends in middle school and best of friends when they both attended Emma Willard. They completely lost touch for 40 years reconnecting in 2019. During that first conversation they discovered that Robin’s oldest son and Deborah’s daughter coincidently were living 800 feet from one another in Huntington Beach, California.

The Marshall family moved to Wyantskill in 1965. After two years, they moved into 66 Pointview Drive.

When Robin Marshall married Barry Lindenberg and Wendy Marshall married Jon Gray, their weddings were catered by Arthur Ginsburg. This kosher caterer from Troy, NY would later achieve world wide fame as “Mr Food”

Granddaughter, Rachel Lindenberg Esman attended Chimney Corners Camp in Becket MA for years where she made many life long friends. Several years later, one of her friends Marta was visiting the Lindenberg household in Niskayuna, NY for the weekend. Marta’s parents arrived to pick her up and her father mentioned that in high school he lived in the area. It was soon discovered that he had lived on Pointview Drive in Troy. He and his parents lived in a house just up the street from where the Marshalls would live after he and his parents moved away.

“The Camp” on Burden Lake

In 1968 the Marshall’s purchased a camp on the Burden Lake. Each summer the family would live on the lake and David would commute into “the city” to go to work. For the next several decades “the camp” was the summer place to be for friends, family and eventually grandchildren. Many first learned to drive a boat, water ski, sail, fish and eat Kay’s Pizza during their magical times on the lake.

“The Camp” on Burden Lake

It’s always been about family

Marshall Family Tree as of 2022

Barbara an amazing mother, grandmother and GG has always been nurturing, empathetic and a provider of unconditional love. She has been known for her amazing meals including her spaghetti and meatballs, stuffed cabbage, swiss steak, brisket, noodle pudding, and “wacky” cake. She was a “hooker” for several years making rugs for each of her grandchildren. David, the “rock of the family”, has always provided stability and direction. He loved to “putter” around the house with paintbrush in hand or working on his garden. He has loved new challenges whether it was taking clarinet lessons or studying varying textbooks.

Song for Barbara’s 65th birthday 1996
David playing clarinet
Niskayuna Band circa 2001


David’s father’s youngest brother was Nathan Marshall. Nathan’s daughter Carol ( a first cousin David never met) settled in New City, New York. There she lived a few blocks from and worked with Karen Lindenberg Alevy (David’s son in law’s sister).

Fort Lauderdale

David and Barbara initially purchased a condo in Hillsborough, Florida. After a few years, they bought a magnificent condo in Forth Lauderdale. This became the family destination for fun, food and relaxation.

Video created by Robin and Barry Lindenberg to celebrate Barbara and David’s 70th anniversary – June 16, 2022
Barbara and David’s Advice for Future Generations