Gitla (Gita) Tauba (Tova) Kleczesker
Gitla Tauba (Gita Tova) Kleczesker was born in 1863 in Chorzele, Poland. Chorzele was a small town north of Warsaw and part of the Russian Empire prior to World War I.
Boruch Lindenberg
Boruch Lindenberg was born in 1865 to Matiseau and Sara Warsawki.
Matiseau and Sara had 7 children. Szulim, Baruch, Frimet, Mendel, Mina Hana, Faga and Szaja.
Boruch Lindenberg marries Gitla Tauba Lindenberg
Szulim Lindenberg married Gitla Tauba in 1880. Two years later, Szulim died. Boruch married his brother’s widow, Gitla in 1883. (which was Jewish tradition).
Boruch and Sara had 5 children. Morris (Moszek) born in 1887, Hyman (Chaim) born in 1890, Matthew (Matys) born in 1896, Frimet, and Anna (Chana) 1901.
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Boruch’s sister, Fruma Lindenberg married Mendl Goldshlag, They had a son, Max and a daughter, Yiska. Max Goldshlag married his cousin, Anna (Chana) Lindenberg. Yisha Goldshlag married her cousin, Itcho Lindenberg.
After Gitla’s death Baruch married Pessa. Together, they emigrated to America in 1921.
On the manifest,Boruch listed his brother, Szaja Lindenberg. Szaja was listed as the father of Henia Lindenberg, a survivor, in the Holocaust database.
Henia and Rachel Rozia Lindenberg were sisters. who survived the holocaust and emigrated to Canada. Rachel Lindenberg married another survivor, Abraham Skrobacky. Their sisters, Cyla, Malca, and Rochelle died in Auschwitz.
From L Cyla, Helen, Rachel and Rochelle
Pessa Lindenberg passed away December 12, 1932. Boruch Lindenberg passed away in 1938 at age 73.